01432 264555

We are here to help Herefordshire children, young people and families find their way forward when someone close to them dies

​In mythology from around the world a Phoenix only appears when we are in need and brings hope, a tail feather glows and lights up the dark – lighting the way.
Phoenix Bereavement Support
What we do

Children and Young People
We know how difficult it can be when someone close to you dies.
Phoenix Bereavement offers group, family and 1:1 support to help you come to terms with your loss and face the future with hope.
Parents and Carers
We offer support for parents and carers with children up to the age of 21.
We work with families after sudden deaths, including suicide, acute illness, accidents and murder as well as when the death was expected.
Support for Professionals
We offer advice, guidance and training for professionals to increase understanding of bereavement, grief and related issues.
We equip teachers, health workers and others with the skills and knowledge to support bereaved children, young people and families.
Meet our Youth Ambassadors

The Fred Bulmer Centre, Wall St,
Hereford HR4 9HP
United Kingdom.
01432 264555
Registered Charity Number 1147645

Urgent Support
If you or someone else is at risk of death or injury call 999
Suicide Prevention Helplines
National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK - 6pm to midnight every day - 0800 689 5652
Papyrus (u35s) - 9am-midnight - 0800 0684141
CALM (men or male identifying) - 5pm-midnight - 0800 585858
Samaritans - call 116 123 (24/7 365 day)
NHS - call 111 or make a GP appointment